Internal Projects
Exclusive Resorts
Exclusive Resorts offers a luxury membership for exclusive villa access and personalized travel experiences in prime global spots.
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The Habitat28 website is a WordPress-powered platform, designed to effectively showcase the business's services and engage with its audience.
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Risk Analyst | Underwriting Tool
Intellect Design Areana
Risk Analyst is an data-based application that helps underwriting process and decisions in more enhanced and efficient way.
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ESG | Due Diligence
Intellect Design Areana
ESG is an Insurance Due Diligence product that helps the insurer to find the submitted documents are correct based on the social certificates with an accuracy score.
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Falcon | Under writing datapackage builder
Intellect Design Areana
Falcon is a product that helps the underwriter to create the data package with more than a lakh of data points with ease of UI support.
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Sherlock | Organization Due Diligence
Intellect Design Areana
Sherlock is an application used for Organization Due Diligence, it helps the insurer to analyze the organization's entire financial debts, director's details, and more about that organization
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Quick Submit | Quote generation
Intellect Design Areana
Quick Submit is a supporting application for getting insurance details within a few minutes based on the various factors given by the organization.
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Molecule manual is a helping web product to guide and configure the Molecule purifier household product. It makes the customer to use consumer products effortlessly
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MMS & GIP | DICOM viewer.
EMD Systems
MMS is a next-generation complete healthcare solution that satisfies almost all needs in Radiology, Cardiology, and other specialties.
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Personal Projects
A digital gallery app concept focusing on European art, enhancing exploration and engagement with immersive virtual tours and detailed insights into historical and contemporary pieces.
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A concept for a coffee shop app that revolutionizes the coffee experience by enabling easy ordering and instant customer feedback integration.
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Employee Management System (EMS) that streamlines employee data management
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The Bean Store - Mobile
A concept for a coffee shop app that revolutionizes the coffee experience by enabling easy ordering and instant customer feedback integration.
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A stock inventory app concept streamlined for real-time tracking and management, offering intuitive interfaces for seamless stock adjustments, data analytics, and predictive ordering to optimize inventory levels and business efficiency.
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Welcome to Explore Brantford, my personal project dedicated to showcasing the city's best food, attractions, and more! Explore Brantford's diverse offerings and uncover its hidden gems with us.
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Discover a variety of bakeries and their delightful treats on our bakery website. Explore fresh pastries, bread, and more!.
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Discover the elegance of flowers through our beautifully minimalistic website.
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I created a classic hangman game as a personal project. Players guess letters to uncover a hidden word within limited attempts, featuring intuitive gameplay and interactive feedback.
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Minimal Drive Test Portal, Helps the user to register for G2 and G test, also have admin panel to manage the user and test details.
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Task manager is a simple task management system, where user can create, update, delete and mark the task as completed. Also have the feature to filter the task based on the status.
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